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Graphics Language Object System

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<graphics, language> (GLOS) A language with statements for describing graphics objects (line, circle, polygon, etc.), written by Michael J McLean and Brian Hicks at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia in 1978. New objects are defined using procedures. 2-D transformations are context dependent and may be nested.

[M.J. McLean, "The Semantics of Computer Drafting Languages", PhD thesis, University of Queensland, 1978].

[Hicks, B.W., and McLean, M.J. "A Graphic Language for Describing Line Objects", Proceedings of the DECUS-Australia August 1973 Symposium, Melbourne, 1973].


Nearby terms: graphics card « Graphics Interchange Format « Graphics Interface Format « Graphics Language Object System » graphic workstation » Graph-Oriented Object Database » graph plotter

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